Ok fellas,
Regarding to my good mood to update my blog by accessing my email on blackberry, I'll try to keep updating this site in my spare time as short as possible :P
And plus, I'm gonna diary-ing using english though I know its not gonna prove any, but umm biar kece aja gitu. Hahaha..
Today is an announcement day. Congratulations to 'em who finally got sinked in UI.haha welcome to the nightmare jungle.. I know how It felt, guys..
Its like your heart beating hillariously and your hands can't afford to click the site. And I know you did also close your eyes after logging on your username and password. And voila.. C'est ca. Your sound just didn't come out and all you can do is crying in your heart. You wanted to jump and take a microphone to let people know that you got it. How preciousful moment ^.^
But for those whose name didn't meet the ink, you are still the best, guys.. I've been in your position too. Its hurt, but you'll never know what surprise God gonna give you away for free :)
La vie est mysteriouse .
What else,um?
Oh yea, thank super God, I didn't sit next to the "nenek nenek malapetaka". Who the hell is she? Yeah.. She's my classmate in CCF. I kinda not in good mood to speak about her, but for sure. Being a pair with a Granny is truly nightmare.
I think I'm gonna end this up because I don't feel well with my BB. Its wet and my fingers slip everytime I type a word.
So goodnite fellas,
Save your ass for tommorow.
Au Revoir
Sent from BlackBerry® on 3
2 tahun yang lalu