
"eropa,wah pengennnnnnnnnn"
"ya Tuhan aku pengen ke eropa.. pengen ke paris.."
oke, everyone has a dream, and coming to europe is one of their biggest dream ever comes true.
So did i.
Pertama kali dikasih tau kalo gue bakal bisa ke eropa juni ini, ya Tuhan.. rasanya hati ini cenat cenut, kayak kesiram aer comberan rasa coca cola men.. blessssss.. nylepppp... ahhh.. ga kekira deh bangganya gimana.
Bahkan saking noraknya, every single day to the D-day, i did count 'em !

Mulai lah gue rempong rempong bikin visa. ini nih yg bikin males ama negara sendiri.
liat negara tetangga.
ke utara, beh.. malaysia, singapur, brunei, mana ada yang ngurus visa ke eropa?
ke selatan.. ya ilah.. australi mah keliling dunia kaga apply visa
cuma Indonesia.. negara besar yang katanya "global set", eh ke eropa aja pake visa. banyak yang ditolak pula. bleh.

Singkat cerita, Visa Schengen gue diterima dan pelitnya, cuma dikasih 21 hari. Ga lebih.

Urusan visa beres, packing beres, semua beres. Lega. Tinggal anyer anyer aja nih ulu hati nunggu nyampe eropa, degdegannya bener bener sweet feeling.

Dan jeng jeng jeng....
here i come.
The most visited city in the world.
The most dreamed city in the world.
The city of love.
The city of Light.


Nyampe paris waktu itu masih siang. Sebelumnya gue udah cek cuaca, katanya perancis awal juni udah mulai masuk summer.
okelah, ekspektasi gue bakal anget kayak bogor.
Ternyata gue salah.
begitu keluar bandara, brrrrrrr... dingin coiiiiiiiiii kayak bawa AC keluar ruangan.
di Imigrasi juga ga ada masalah apa apa. ga pake ditanya2. langsung cop. and "bon vacance" kata mas mas imigrasinya.

Perancis, so far menurut gue adalah negara yang paling baik dan ramah. Berbeda 180derajat dari kata orang orang kebanyakan, penduduk paris (parisien) adalah orang yang sangattttt ramah buat gua..
Baru buka peta dikit, mereka langsung nyamperin ngasih tau direction.
Bahkan, ada nenek nenek baik banget naik turun lantai 8 cuma buat nyariin Landlord gue di apartemen paris.
Their english juga ga jelek jelek amat dibandingin negara eropa lain.
Tapi ada juga sih yang at all ga bs inggris, gue sempet nanya pas lg di stasiun RER Antoine, kalo mau ke Cite universitaire naik apa ya? ternyata dia ga ngerti.. pas diajak ngmg prancis, dia baru ngasi tau cas cis cus..
eh pas gue mau nanya "mesti transit dimana gitu gak?" kan gue gatau bahasa prancisnya transit apa, yaudah gue blg "transit?" eh dia ngmg "anglais pas" yg artinya "i dont understand english"..
yaampun padahal cuma 1 kata..

Begitu masuk RER, wiiiih.. langsung disambut sama...... PENGAMEN!
yak, pengamen bule. bau. gabut pooool.
masa dia ngamen maen akordeon, eh dia ngobrol. gak nyanyi pula.
udah gitu, gaada orang yg ngasih duit. hahahaa..

kalo kata orang METRO di prancis ribet? ah ga juga.. lebay. cuma ya itu, namanya turis ya pasti berpatokan ama metro, padahal kadang2 dari 1 stasiun di jalur x ke stasiun di jalur y bisa jalan kaki 5 menit, tapi krna terpaku ama stasiun metro, jadilah dibawa muter2 transit setengah jam.
emang harus pinter2 cek rute.

metro di paris juga jelek kok, stasiunnya kotor, jalanannya pun di grafity semua.. jorok deh.
cuma ya rapih aja dan teratur.
pokonya semua yang jelek2 dijakarta, ada di paris dan eropa.
dari tukang ngamen, tukang minta2 di lampu merah, tukang minta minta yang pake amplop, tukang teh panas di taman eiffel, tukang buah di stasiun yg sampingan ama tukang dvd bajakan, dsb.. hahahaha..

to be continued.
untuk foto, bisa diliat di facebook gue ya :'D

Sometimes, I think..
I think that I can make my own decision.
Taking the right one, or even the wrong one.
I pick it, I enjoy it, and I still the one who takes the responsibilty to all of my decisions.
I sometimes want to express the deepest thing I want to share about,
To make 'em understand, to feel the way they feel, or at least, to adore one that I want without trying to hide it..
I push myself to go on the right path, even the dangers are the thing that I can see enough, I will die happy but will make someone die becomes a nightmare.
I float my wants in the middle path hence I won't fall to the path untrue.
But still, I have consequences.
The biggest thread remains always.

A film taught me a thing.
Life is always give you a start over after you learn from your failure.

And now, I am taking my chance back..
I want to start 'em over, again..
I don't want to fall to deep..
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Happy Birthday, Dear the Most Gracious Woman in My Life.

One told me that however grand your money you've built, you'll never
be able to repay even the little thing your mother has sacrificed for

And It's true..

You are the woman that i could hang on when my fear came out..
You are the one that i spent my tears on when i broke my hand in fighting..
You are the one that i yell-ed on when i got nothing from the thing i wanted..

Mama, you are always there.
Even when i rejected your decision..
Even when i push hard the door when we fought,
even when i undeniable said "ARGHHHH" to every single thing you
demanded me to do..
you are always there however i was..
you not even fought me back..
you not even slap your hand at my body..
you not even asked me to go out from home..

You just kept silent and went to your room.. you cried..
you kept thinking that you are a failure in my growing up even you ARE NOT..
you cried even i stupidly did nothing to you to stop you crying..

for every single tears you spent to grow me up... but i just forget..
for money you've spent for me.. but i just cheat to get more..
for every yell i threw at you..
you just always there..
you just did all that i wanted as if all my commands were yours to do.
you never told me "kid.. i'm tired.."
but you always put a big smile and tell "kid... i will..."

I know you've spent many pain to grow me up..
i know you've delayed all your needs only to provide my wanted thingy..
i know you've always tried to give me something even when you didn't
think it suited me..

Mama.. I just want you to know..
You are never Failed..
You are the winner in my Life..
You are my angel..
You are my reason why i am now the real ' i am.."
you are the reason why i always try to stop to dream the biggest thing i want..
it's all just because i love you and i honour you, mama..
I'll from now on try to make you happy , no matter what..
i wont let you fight with your pain..
i wont let anyone tells something bad about you,
and i will never ever give up on my life before i show you "mama..
this is me.. you make me I AM"..

Happy 50th Birthday My Big Big Precious Woman In my Life..

I love you , never less.

(Edwar Andiko Heri)

What should I ask God for?

I thank God I was given a very wonderful moments in my senior high.
I had bestfriends and we went all along, we laughed together, we joked from one to another, we hated, we cried, and we boom-ed each others..

We always spent days together. We went to Bubu almost everyday. We ate mie ayam and es kelapa, we shared soekarno thingy, we talked politic, we saw porn..

We went hanging out together.. Marked 26 June 2011 as our returning day.. We shared yell together, we hysteria, we hugged...

We went clubbing without a permit, we dressed like we are an adult, they got into but as always, I was prohibited to enter so I had to pay, we shared a pot of alcohol and we drank it without feeling sorry.. And yes, we breathed a smoke from our mouth and made it a laugh.

We always made a promise to catch up, and we ended coming 3hours late, we angry to each others but in the end, we left laughes everyday we met.

We are priority to each other, when we say "temen sma gue" it refers to them.

When we say "besties" it refers to them.

When we say "we missed old school" we mean them.

When we say "they are my family" we can't not to agree that it is them.

We hate a goodbye. We even picked and sent wiena to airport.. We shared cry.. We sang "kamu sangat berarti..istimewa dihati slamanya rasa ini..jika tua nanti kita tlah hidup masing masing, ingatlah hari ini..." But our life doesn't end there.

We continue making a blog, we keep contacting via message in facebook, we talk, we share, we joke..

We introduced our own girl/boyfriend. We tested them, we share laughes and we stop being fren if they are broke up.

I love them..
I love my past even I once regretted.

I might hate being the only guy besides the 8 girls.
I might hate when I should be the one who asked, who be the "tester" when we accross the fast way street, or who be the one who does something.
But I love it. I love them, my family.

I might feeling worry to introduce them to my girlfriend. I am in between. I don't want her to think me silly, or even don't want my friends to make a laugh on my gf.
But they are my priority, whenever my gf disagree and don't like them, it means that she doesn't like me. My friends stand forever, even if it means we have to break up.
That's what i always say (said) to my girlfriend whom now ex(es).

I always love starting a new year with them. Once, we booked a hotel and we drank alcohol, we smoke, and ended up eating nasi goreng while fireflies in the sky.
The other year, we spent new years eve sitting in front of the sea with a hardcore music sang to the fireflies.
Once we slept in a comfy bed, the other day, we slept till the bed broke. Yes.. We slept in 2 single beds for 6 person(s) :)

I never had a bad moment walking with them or hanging out with them.
Maybe someone seeing me weird walking with 8girls. But I don't care what they thinking. All I can care is I am happy with them and I feel happiness with my girls :)

God, I love them. They are my priority, they are my family :)
Please keep us together and make us a legendary family.
I sacrifice everything even if in I have to have a kid, I will do.

Thank you for giving me such a best in my life.
I love my high school, and I love everyday with them :)
They are reason why I smile..
They are place where I could share and got no solution, haha..
They are place where I could hear a bad solution when I'm in confuse :)
They are the ones who know how to treat me and put a smile on me..

I love you my girls, always have always will.

I love you my clan, my foreverness family.

Me and...

Jakarta, 07-12-10

After picnic kebun raya
Anw, indo-thai 2-1 :)
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Last nite, we took LRT from bukit jalil (apartment of kadek) to Hang Tuah.
Whew, sooo expensive. We spent about 3.2 MYR for one trip.

Our destination was Bukit Bintang. But we decided to walk than spending more money for the monorail.

To spare our dead foot, we visited Berjaya Times Square.
I've been dreaming to try their indoor roller coaster but noone wanted to.
So we continued to eat in one of hawker in bukit bintang and I ate (again) nasi hainan and ice tea for 8.2 MYR.

Afterthat, we continued walking. We saw that petronas was pretty close from our place therefore we decided to walk again.
Later we found out, it wasn't walk-able and soo far far far away.
Reaching petronas, odonk wanted to buy some shoes vincci there,but bad, vincci store was closed permanently, the store's replaced by topman.
Then, we took some photos.. Ya.. We asked japanese who wasn't english speaker to take us photo(s).
Knowing that all of us superly tired of walking, we returned to kadek apartment on bukit jalil. Whewww.. It took about 3.5 MYR for one trip.
Can't wait to explore KL tommorow :)
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I just can't count how many times I've been here, Kuala Lumpur.
Yea.. I feel like am licking my own yuck, I hate this place, but, this is the most place I've visited in my passport (haha..blame on AirAsia, I need to transit in here).

But what makes different is, I'm here with my super bestfriends.
Yeay! This is the very first time we go abroad together :D
Started by the very unthinkable idea to explore malaysia and thailand (its crazy yoo, we decided to go here only two weeks before. No preparation, no knowledge about hatyai,thailand.

However, here we are.
Eating in the medan selera LCCT, one of the very well known place for me.
I'm eating Nasi Goreng CitaRasa China for 6 MYR and drinking Teh Tarik Sejuk for 2.5MYR.
One of my friends, odonk, made some funny.
She asked the waitress "I need to buy aqua" hahaha.. Its silly, but thank God. It's danone, without being asked twice, the waitress went directly to search for mineral water.

To be continued

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Hari kedua, kami memutuskan buat nyewa tuk-tuk buat keliling kota seharian.

lumayan murah, cuma 800B. coba bandingin sama van yang harganya 1800B per hari..
all include loh :)

kami di pick up dari depan hotel jam 8, tujuan pertama yaitu pantai Songkhla, tempat lady mermelaid statue.
tadinya kami pikir dekt, gataunya lumayan jauh.. ampir 40menit euy.
pantainya pun sepi, tenang bgt.. alhasil kami gajadi berenang, cukup foto foto dan menikmati pemandangan laut cina selatan :)

balik dari sana, kami menuju Songkhla Hill Top. Untuk kesana, kami naik lift yg miring 90 derajat. wew.. baru pertama nih, curam dan menakutkan.
harganya murah, cuma 30B doang..
disana ada patung budha gitu, dan kamipun foto foto sambil menikmati pemandangan songkhla dari atas..

darisana, kami langsung berangkat ke hatyai aquarium (sejenis seaworld), karna mahal jadinya kami putusin buat langsung ke HatYai Nai aja, liat lying budha statue terbesar ketiga didunia. Di Big statue ini, seperti biasa, cewe cewe pada belanja. dan euhh.. patungnya bener bener gede euyyy..

darisana, kami didrop di ASIAN market, karna belom makan, saya putuskan buat beli nasi goreng di 711 dan ice chocolate. nasi gorengnya lebih enak, tapi ice chocolatenya manis bgt.. huekk.. dipasar ini, saya belanja 3 baju. 2 buat saya, 1 buat daffa. harganya murah, cuma 30rb :D
trus juga beli tas titipan mama harganya 150rb kalo dirupiahin.

karna kita baru dijemput jam 5, kami pun beli sosis super gede pinggir jalan, kebetulan yang jualan berjilbab, jadi insyaallah halal.
harganya murah, cuma 10B per tusuk :D trus minumnya es kelapa, 20B per buah :D
abis dijemput supir tuktuk, kamipun beli tiket buat nonton.. jengjengjeng.. cabaret show yang sebenernya lebih tepat disebut SEX SHOW!.
harganya 450B, tapi karna supir tuktuknya baik, kami dikasih diskon jadi cukup bayar 350B saja. hohhoo..

Jengjengg.. tujuan utama kami kehatyai ada didepan mata. Baca review orang orang yg pernah nonton dan skrg adegan sex itu ada didepan mata.. Godddddd...

adegan pertama, masih sama kayak cabaret show dibangkok. transeksual itu pada nari lagu welcome to thailand. masi berbaju lah ya..
setelah itu, mulailah keluar penari striptis. masih biasa..
nah setelah itu, ada adegan salah satu "waria" tersebut diperkosa sama gorilla. awalnya tereak tereak.. eh udah ditusuk, malah keasikan. ampe ganti 4 style. wkwkwk..

adegan selanjutnya, ini ngilu banget.. ada 2 "cewe" keluar sambil ngeluarin petasan dari vaginanya. damn.. meledaknya pas di "bulu"nya. kalo kebakar gimana itu.. ckckk..
belom kelar dibikin tegang, tiba tiba keluar 2 cowok cowboy. keker dan kayaknya normal. dia cuma pake kaen dipinggulnya.
sehabis itu dia telanjang, nunjukin tititnya yang gigan, dan you know? dia maen drum dan maen piano pake tititnya coi!!
udah gitu, pake adegan ngegerek tititnya dari tuts ke tuts dengan cepat. aduhhh bener bener ngiluuuuuuuuuu..
adegan selanjutnya lebih parah, mereka dipaksa mengstabilkan timbangan yang berisi 2 durian dan 1 liter coca cola pake titit mereka. euuuhhh..

adegan selanjutnya lebih keren lagi, ada adegan cewe buka tutup botol cocacola pake vaginanya. adoooh tambah ngilu.
udah gitu, mereka mecahin balon pake hembusan pake yg ditiup dari vaginanya. 
bener bener no sensor. fullllll.. tegang tegang deh. hahahaa...

selain itu masih banyak adegan adegan vulgar laen. hehehe..

btw, bisa nebak berapa gue habis di thailand+malaysia selama 5 hari?
cuma 1jt passs :P
itupun termasuk oleh oleh 250rb. 
jd total bersih tanpa oleh oleh cuma 750rb. hehehehe :P

Kami berangkat menuju HatYai Thailand dari Kuala Lumpur Malaysia naik AirAsia.

Cukup tercengang juga penerbangan yang dijadwalkan jam 11.45, jam 11.15 kita udah diijinin masuk ke pesawat.
Dan yang lebih mengherankan lagi, tadinya kami berpikir kalau penerbangan ke hatYai bakal sepi, selain karna jaraknya yang cukup dekat dari Kuala Lumpur (8 Jam lewat darat), HatYai juga bukan daerah yang tourist-spot.
ternyata kami salah, satu pesawat bangkunya FULL. Yah, walo kebanyakan yang kesana itu warga malaysia sih..

Penerbangan KL-Hatyai cuma 45 menit. Bandaranya minimalis bgt. bahkan jam 5 sore bandaranya tutup. hahaha..
sehabis clearence immigration, kami clingak clinguk nyari jemputan kami dari hotel. Ternyata gaada, terpaksa kami sewa taksi airport-hotel (100B).
karna kami ber-6, terpaksa jadi sewa 2 taksi. huh..

Hotel yang kami pilih ternyata bagus. Resepsionisnya bisa sedikit dikit bahasa melayu, tapi so bad in english.
kamarnya pun superrr murah. cuma 690B untuk triple room. Kamarnya luas, ada bath tub, bener bener kayak hotel bintang 3.
Setelah sedikit beristirahat, kami berjalan dari hotel ke Lee garden (meeting spot hatyai, mungkin kyk danau hoa kiem-hanoi).
fariska mau tuker uang, ternyata money changernya ga kayak money changer dijakarta. money changernya itu tukang mas, dan cuma nerima uang ringgit.
sehabis itu kami makan siang didepan McD, lupa namanya apa. Yang jelas, kalo kita makan tapi ga beli minum, kita dikasih air putih+es gratis looh..
Pulangnya kami keliling pasar, wowww.. cukup terkejut, ternyata banyak DVD bajakan dan know what?
DVD porno bahkan GAY dijual bebas. mennn, yang jual pun adapula anak SMP yang masih make seragam. krezey.

malemnya, karna udah bener2 pengen nonton film "bokep" thailand di coliseum theatre (mungkin kayak 21 cineplexnya indonesia), kami beli tiket ntn film eternity. Harganya 90B. cukup mahal.. udah gitu, kami dateng telat 15menit.huh..
Padahal nih ya, bannernya itu super porno, cewe cowo telanjang diatas kasur, tapi 1 1/2 jam film berlalu, adegan ciuman pun gaada.
parahnya lagi, trnyata filmnya gaada sub-titles. terpaksa sepanjang film kami nebak2 alurnya. dan ikut ikut ketawa kalo penontonnya pada ketawa.

Pas film selesai, saya coba nego ibu yang punya bioskop, saya bilang kalo kami ingin melihat prosesi penghormatan rakyat Thai di bioskop (kebetulan saya sudah pernah, tapi yang lain belum). Dan yang wow, begitu video ttg king and queen of thai diputar, semua orang berdiri tegap. bahkan tukang sobek tiketnya pun ikut berdiri tegap.
bener bener dihormati sang raja tersebut.. ya iyalah.. fotonya aja dimana mana :P

malamnya, kesal karna film yang kita harapkan tidak sesuai harapan, kamipun nonton tv. jengjeng.. tiba tiba Cece nemuin film porno di chanel 14. wowwww.. rame deh kamar sebelah pada pindah buat ntn film. parahnya lagi, pas mega sholat depan kita, kita tetep loh ntn bokep.wkwkwk..

Bener bener hari yang melelahkan but so sweet :)