Sometimes, I think..
I think that I can make my own decision.
Taking the right one, or even the wrong one.
I pick it, I enjoy it, and I still the one who takes the responsibilty to all of my decisions.
I sometimes want to express the deepest thing I want to share about,
To make 'em understand, to feel the way they feel, or at least, to adore one that I want without trying to hide it..
I push myself to go on the right path, even the dangers are the thing that I can see enough, I will die happy but will make someone die becomes a nightmare.
I float my wants in the middle path hence I won't fall to the path untrue.
But still, I have consequences.
The biggest thread remains always.
A film taught me a thing.
Life is always give you a start over after you learn from your failure.
And now, I am taking my chance back..
I want to start 'em over, again..
I don't want to fall to deep..
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2 tahun yang lalu
30 April 2012 pukul 01.09
salam kenal gan, ku tunggu kunjungan baliknya :D